Patch 6.4 for FFXIV comes out on May 23, so there’s only about a week left to get your stuff together and finish those last few things you wanted to get done.
Here’s a short list of time-sensitive tasks and how best to complete them!
PvP Rewards
A new PvP series is starting with 6.4, so if you want any of the rewards on the current PvP series track, you’ll need to earn them before the patch comes!
The big ticket items are the linkpearl emote at level 5, the logistics node mount at level 15, and the set of false monarchy armor at level 25.
The most time-efficient way to progress through your series malmstones is to play the Crystalline Conflict mode. These matches tend to be short (<5 min) and earn you 900 or 700 series exp depending on whether you win or lose.
There’s an online calculator you can use that tells you how many matches you would need to play to get to your goal. Use this to plan out a number of matches per day and that can help get you in a goal-oriented mindset hopefully without burning yourself out.
Unreal Trial (Sophia)
Unreal Trials are Extreme Trials from previous expansions that have been scaled up for you to play at level 90 with your full level 90 job toolkit. If you haven’t unlocked Unreal yet you can do so with the quest Fantastic Mr. Faux.
If you still haven’t gotten the opportunity to experience Sophia’s Unreal Trial, now’s your last chance because it’s being swapped out in patch 6.4 for the Zurvan Unreal Trial.
Jump into party finder and watch a guide video while you wait for it to fill.
Moogle/Irregular Tomestones
In the month or so leading up to a major patch, we usually get a new irregular tomestone which allows us to purchase various items such as mounts, minions, emotes, orchestrion rolls, and triple triad cards. The vendors are located in the major city aetheryte plazas, and will be gone when the patch comes.
Almost all of these items can be obtained in other (often grindy) ways, so here’s a helpful infographic you can check to see which rewards you might want to get this way rather than the traditional method.
Whether you have a Blue Mage or not, you can find people farming out these irregular tomestones in party finder.
I pretty much always see parties for the Alexander raids in party finder, typically A1N (Alexander – The Fist of the Father), which is the first duty in the Alexander raid series.
Cap Level 90 Tomestones
This one’s not so much a time-sensitive thing, but it is just generally good preparation for a major patch.
When 6.4 comes out crafters are going to be hard at work making combat gear for their statics to take into the new savage tier. These recipes will require a ton of crafting materials that you’ll buy with tomestones of causality.
Hoard as many tomestones of causality (green) AND astronomy (red) right now as you can. Running your roulettes as a level 90 job or joining some hunt trains are easy ways to accumulate these tomestones.
You’ll be able to trade astronomy for causality at a (most likely) 4:1 rate when the patch is live. Even if you aren’t a crafter, these materials will be in high demand and you can sell them for easy gil.
Catch up on MSQ/Pandaemonium
6.4 brings a new dungeon, trial, and raid tier. The savage raids will be out one week after the patch, but if you want to do the new extreme trial or continue running expert roulette right away, you’ll need to finish your MSQ first.
Have Fun!
I hope you’re looking forward to the new content in 6.4!
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