One of the most frustrating experiences in FFXIV combat is to mess up and die, accept a raise, and then immediately find yourself on the floor again. It’s also pretty frustrating for the teammate that just spent that time, MP, and maybe a swiftcast cooldown in order to raise you.
Luckily there’s a feature of the game that helps mitigate this issue – raise immunity. I think a lot of sprouts just don’t know about it because the game doesn’t teach you how it works, or even that it exists really.
The only indicator you get is the yellow buff icon that appears on you after you’ve been revived, but with so much happening on the screen it’s no surprise that not every new player knows about this immunity timer.
How Does Raise Immunity Work?
When you stand up after being resurrected, you have approximately 5 seconds during which time you cannot take damage. This grace period lets you reposition and gives you and your healers a chance to get you healed up and back into the fight safely.
The remaining time on your invulnerability can be seen on the yellow Transcendent status effect on your character.
You can still be affected by knockback mechanics which may threaten to knock you off the arena, and you can still be killed by any ‘enrage’ cast which signals the end of the fight’s time limit.
Still, being immune to most damage is pretty good, and will keep you alive through most raidwides and even stack markers! Stacking with a party while you have rez immunity will contribute to lowering the damage dealt to each person, while you still take 0 damage yourself.
Then Why Did I Die After I Was Raised?
There’s one important clause you need to know about. Raise immunity goes away as soon as you use an action.
You might be tempted to immediately press Sprint and run to where you’re supposed to go, or press Second Wind and help recover your HP to a safe threshold. These actions can actually get you killed by prematurely removing your rez immunity.
Raise immunity is also active after a healer limit break 3 and affects everyone who was raised, with the same ability to be removed upon taking any action. Anyone that was already standing up during the LB3 does not get raise immunity.
How to be Raised Safely
When offered the ‘accept raise’ prompt, take a quick look at what the boss is doing or casting.
Assuming you already have some experience with the fight, you might be able to recognize what mechanic you’ll be raising into.
If it’s a knockback mechanic, you want to wait so that you won’t be flung off the edge of the arena.
If it’s some form of a raidwide attack, stack mechanic, or player-targeted AoE then you can raise into that and move to reposition yourself appropriately as long as you don’t press any actions – no sprinting!
Oftentimes in high-end duties one death can snowball into more deaths and then a wipe.
By timing your raise properly you can avoid these chained deaths and get back on track with a smooth recovery!
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