I recently finished levelling my first healer (White Mage) up to level 70, and decided that with my newfound access to more glamour options, I should create a few looks to play the part! This is also my first caster/magic-user so I really haven’t dabbled in these gear styles much at all.
With that in mind I thought I would take a comprehensive look at all the body pieces available to see if I could find some styles that jumped out at me. I also didn’t want to limit myself to just one outfit since I occasionally like to change it up, but would rather just look through my dresser than go hunting through vendors and marketboards all over again.
With an increase to glamour dresser storage coming in Shadowbringers, I’m not overly concerned with narrowing the field down super tight. For this hunt I’m going to focus on the most visible, diverse, and important piece, the body gear. The simple goal is to collect enough body pieces for my dresser that I can use for at least three styles of glamours for my healer.
I’ve got a few ideas in mind. The first is a Battlemage outfit with a bit of a frontlines combat feel, that would probably allow a little more freedom of movement. This is most likely going to be paired with a pair of pants, boots, and perhaps some light hand gear like halfgloves.
The second look will be a Classic Robed healer, but something sleek or cool rather than really billowy. Preferably with a bit of flair in the design. This one may end up covering the leg piece a bit, so the boots may end up being more important when making an outfit. Hands should probably be gloves or else bare while sporting some rings.
Finally, a Miscellaneous, less traditional look. Maybe a modern look or a character/profession. This will be pieced together as I explore and I’ve seen a couple of body pieces that have given me sparks of inspiration, so I’m excited to see what else I can find out there.
My list of locations to go check out gear in-game includes the following:
- A main city (Limsa Lominsa) for the Calamity Salvager, Grand Company vendor, armoire, and marketboard.
- Mor Dhona for tomestone gear and a couple other random pieces.
- Idyllshire for tomestone and raid gear.
- Rhalgr’s Reach for tomestone and raid gear (including Centurio Seal vendor).
- The Wolves’ Den Pier for all PvP gear.
- The Gold Saucer for MGP-priced gear.
After that I’ll be checking out the xivstyle archive to browse through all the dungeon and 24-man raid loot I can’t just preview in-game on my own character whenever I want.
We start our quest in Limsa Lominsa, checking in with the Calamity Salvager. The level 50 job gear is a classic piece for our robed look, but it’s a little shapeless, so not likely to be used. It’s in the armoire anyway, so that’s free! The Seventh Heaven Top actually has a great design for a robed look, especially working well around a Miqo’te tail. I’ll keep this in mind and also check out the dyeable version from Eureka.
Uwagi #55 is an interesting option, it’s just undyeable from black. I could definitely see some kind of military healer thing going on here. The Scion Traveler’s Jacket is also an option, with a cape! Unfortunately capes look a little silly with a tail constantly clipping through it, back and forth, and would probably annoy me.
Let’s run over to the inn and see what else is already in our armoire. These pieces are basically freebies; they won’t take a space in the dresser but they will still always be available. Aside from the Healer’s Robe which I mentioned back at the Calamity Salvager, we also have the Wild Rose Cuirass, which I do like as a battlemage look. It’s undyeable so stuck on a black/light blue theme, but it’s got both robed and armored elements which is very cool.
It’s worth noting that my Grand Company is here in Limsa, but I found no Maelstrom pieces that jumped out at me, so our last stop in the city is the marketboard to sift through all the levelling vendor and crafted gear. This is a bigger section so I’m going to break the noteworthy pieces into categories by which themed outfit they match.
For the Battlemage look:
The Gazelleskin Coat of Healing is a nice piece, though a bit wide. It’s got some red in it no matter the dye. I seem to like the gazelleskin set on most jobs actually! The Serge Gambison of Healing dyes well has a scarf which is cool, and fits a more medieval theme. The Chivalric Doublet of Healing is a trim cloth piece with fluffy collar and arms, and it dyes pretty well. The Replica Allagan Tunic of Healing has a really badass feel to it, is very open in the front, dyes a nice solid colour and has dark straps that give it a cool effect.
For the Classic Robed look:
The Indigo Ramie Robe of Healing is a great piece for a robed look. It has a somewhat wild-feel to its design and it dyes well. The Ramie Robe of Healing looks both comfortable and also a bit upperclass, but I don’t love the little scarf in the front. The Cashmere Robe of Healing has an unworn hood, belt straps, and is open at the front. It’s pretty good except for your cane clipping through the hood. Finally, the Taoist’s Shirt is a very sleek and simple fit which I would consider using as a robed look, even though it’s not as traditional to the theme.
For the Miscellaneous look:
The Vermillion Hooded Robe of Healing is certainly interesting, but it’s undyeable so it would have to be a specific themed look, and it gives off a sinister vibe. The Bloodhempen Chestwrap of Healing looks kind of tribal, and shows more skin. The Star Velvet Himation of Healing looks like ancient Greek attire, and is white with a dyeable sash. The Dhalmelskin Vest is a bit of a weird pick, but I couldn’t help but see a travelling healer on a pilgrimage or something.
The Holy Rainbow Coatee is kind of a character outfit, where you look like an attendant/servant. The Holy Rainbow Shirt of Healing makes you look like a cool magician with an open chest, cotton shirt. The Felt Bliaud & Felt Gown (which have other non-felt varieties) look very upperclass and snooty. The Taffeta Shawl is just a sexy piece of gear on a male Miqo’te so of course that’s on the list. An alternative is the Coliseum Shawl which is undyeable but personally I like it better. It’s solid black and the shoulder part is the same colour as the bottom part which I prefer. It’s also got a really nice blue gem on the clasp.
The Uraeus Coat ALSO looks like a cool magician, with a longer silhouette. The Boulevardier’s Ruffled Shirt: Yet another magician look, but short-sleeved with a nice vest. Finally the Whisperfine Woolen Coat which I’m only putting on here because it looks like just what you would take to a snowy environment, of which there are many in this game. This has some brown in it no matter how you dye it.
Mor Dhona offers little as I don’t like the ironworks gear that much, and the dyeable version of the level 50 job gear doesn’t make it much more appealing.
To Idyllshire! For some more tomestone and raid gear. The Orison Robe is a very open design which I would probably dye, but it’s nothing crazy exciting. The Asuran Dogi of Healing has a bit of a samurai feel to it, despite being a robe. The Augmented Shire Preceptor’s Coat might be robed but to me feels more like a detective outfit. It dyes fully, and is pretty plain.
The Augmented Hailstorm Coat of Healing I would categorize as robed and very sleek, open, and it dyes well. The Midan Coat of Healing is a simple but cool battlemage look with a large collar/turtleneck and winged hem that dyes simply. The Alexandrian Jacket of Healing is an army style piece with gold trim and dyes well, but I’m not sure about the big metal piece hanging off the back.
In Rhalgr’s Reach we’ll surely find the best of the best, right? This is the top-of-the-line endgame gear after all. What I found was the Augmented Scaevan Coat of Healing for a futuristic robed look which is reasonably shaped and dyed. Among the raiding gear I spotted the Diamond Robe of Healing which looks both elegant and comfortable, with a lot of fur and tight sash around the waist. One great piece I found here was actually the Ala Mhigan Tunic of Healing, available for Centurio Seals. It’s just got a good, somewhat ancient feel to it, and I like that even though it feels a lot like a robe, it hasn’t got clunky sleeves.
Popping over to the Wolves’ Den Pier in PvP-land, I checked out the Makai Sun Guide’s Oilskin which could be either Robed or Battlemage, and looks really cool, having some black colour in all its dyes. The Direwolf Robe of Healing shares a model with the Cashmere Robe of Healing from earlier, just without the pattern on the tips of the hem. Finally, the Republican Medicus’s Chiton gives another Greek style outfit – with wings!
My last destination in-game is the Gold Saucer, where I took note of the Riviera Doublet for another kind of servant glam, and the Oasis Doublet for a benevolent merchant/traveller, similar in feel to the Dhalmelskin Vest, just with a different background story.
Alas, there is no easy way to try on the dungeon and 24-man raid loot in-game on my own character, so I took to the internet to sift through all these (undyeable!) pieces, looking for ones that stuck out in my mind. Starting with the 24-man raids, the Royal Vest actually looks surprisingly serviceable, with lots of gold ornamentation and a nicely shaped white robe. The Demon Robe of Healing also looks really cool, but it shares a model with the Indigo Ramie Robe of Healing, which is dyeable! The Yafaemi Jacket of Healing is such a suave piece that I had to include it, but I have no idea what kind of other pieces I would pair with it.
Moving on to the dungeon drops! The Darklight Cowl of Healing is a cool hooded robe (head + body slots). Bogatyr’s Longcoat of Healing really caught my eye since I haven’t seen a piece with that model before. The Halonic Priest’s Alb really sells the pious priest angle, and it’s pretty nice to look at. The Plague Doctor’s Coat is quite an elegant piece, and could be used in a more modern look.
The Nomad’s Coat of Healing is super interesting, kind of a Russian winter look, and I really wish it were dyeable! The Farlander Acton of Healing is a cool piece that reminds me of Robin Hood, and in fact shares a model with Bard gear. The Bonewicca Soother’s Chestpiece is exactly what I would imagine if Dancer had turned out to be a healer. I guess it’s the closest thing! Finally, the Royal Volunteer’s Gambison of Healing has a real army medic feel to it. Now, with all that searching behind us, let’s look at our top contenders for each category!
Starting with the Battlemage-style glamour, my personal favourites were the Replica Allagan Tunic and the Chivalric Doublet. I love how they both dye and honestly I can see myself using either of them depending on the mood, so I think I’ll just put ’em both in the dresser. In the screenshot above I ended up using the undyed version of the doublet since I wanted the sleeves to stay light.
I had ten body pieces to decide between and I have to say looking at all these convinced me that I don’t need to suffer through grinding out the Midan Coat or Alexandrian Jacket, since they’re not even my favourites from the bunch and I’ll be satisfied with other options available to me. I might hunt down the Bogatyr’s Longcoat and the Farlander Acton loot to see how I like them on my character model, as I’m still curious about those pieces, but I think I’ll be happy anyway if I end up only keeping my top two.
Next up, the Classic Robed glamour. My favourites are The Indigo Ramie Robe and the Ala Mhigan Tunic. the latter of which is probably floating a little between the robed and battlemage themes for me, but I really like it so I picked it up here. Honourable mention to the Diamond Robe although admittedly it’s a little redundant since it shares some common elements with the Indigo Ramie Robe. It will take some time for me to get it anyway since it’s from a previous tier’s savage raids and I’ll probably wait until it’s available for Centurio Seals or Poetics (I could pick up the undyeable Carborundum version in the meantime).
Additionally, the Makai Sun Guide’s Oilskin may not be my #1 choice, but I definitely want to grab that PvP gear while it’s available, so I’ll always be able to repurchase it from the Calamity Salvager. I’ll probably hunt down the Royal Vest and the Darklight Cowl loot just to check ’em out on my character as well.
Last but not least, the Miscellaneous category. This definitely had the most pieces to go through, but it was also the easiest to eliminate choices from. I wanted pieces that were interesting and different, unlike most of the other gear available to healers, but that I of course appreciated the aesthetic of. My favourites are the Coliseum Shawl and the Star Velvet Himation.
The shawl is a great modern looking top that I love using as it’s so far removed from the classic White Mage theme. The himation caught my eye since I love the ancient Greek aesthetic. In the screenshot I chose the seasonal Spriggan pants from Hatching Tide, but I will probably buy the PvP footgear (which are sandals stretching high up the leg) from the same set as the Republican Medicus’ Chiton, since it fits the theme better. I also rarely display headgear but I thought the Pagos Circlet fit nicely.
The Uraeus Coat looked a little too robe-like for it to be a winner in this category, and I may end up putting one in my dresser for another class anyway. Among the loot drops, I think the Bonewicca Soother looks cool, but it’s not a high priority since it’s undyeable.
So those are my picks for healer body gear! The hands, legs, feet, and head (when I choose to display it) gear pieces I used are more general pieces from my glamour dresser that I can apply to several looks. You may notice some of the outfits above used the same glamours for some of the other gear slots! I’m actually very pleased I was able to find several really nice-looking body pieces to add to my wardrobe. The fact that they’re usable by all the healers is a bonus! I only have one healer job at the moment, but when I eventually level up the others they will have a bunch of glamours already waiting for them! After all, what’s the point of saving your party members if you can’t look good doing it?
What bottoms are those with the Coliseum Shawl
Those are the Scion Adventurer’s Bottoms from a level 60 MSQ reward outfit, repurchaseable from the Calamity Salvager. On female characters it will display as a skirt.
Sick. thank you very much. New player here and your site looks very helpful