What are Fête Events?
Fêtes are described as “large-scale games” and are sets of five FATE-like duties that take a few minutes each to complete. Most of the tasks involve interacting with NPCs and objects to earn points – basically tiny fetch quests and turn-ins, but surrounded by lots of other players in a festive, celebratory setting.
You’ll be rewarded with a few things: First you get Fête presents, which can contain various cosmetic items or Fête tokens, exchangeable for rewards.
You also get Skybuilders’ Scrips from these little events. While it’s not a huge amount, it’ll help you towards saving up to buy an item you have your eye on.
Finally, you get a paltry amount of experience for the crafting or gathering job you’re on. It’s not much at all, so this isn’t really a levelling activity.
How to Participate in Fêtes
The Fêtes all take place in The Firmament in Ishgard, so you’ll have to unlock that area first with the level 60 sidequest ‘Towards the Firmament‘.
Next, speak to Augebert nearby (with the narrow yellow sidequest marker) to begin the sequence of sidequests inside which introduce you to the NPCs of interest in the area.
This will unlock the next quest in the Firmament quest chain and also the ability to participate in Fêtes. You can teleport to the Firmament by interacting with the Aetheryte in the Aetheryte Plaza in Foundation.
One set of Fêtes occurs every two real world hours over a twenty-four hour period. Then there will be a one or two day delay before they begin again. You can check the time remaining until the next Fête in the display at the top of your Duty List while you’re in the Firmament.
When a Fête has begun, simply change to a Disciple of the Hand or Disciple of the Land and click the ‘Join FATE’ button when it appears. There is no level requirement.
Tips for Fêtes
Fêtes tend to attract large crowds of players, and trying to click on an important NPC in a sea of characters will quickly test your patience.
First and foremost, I recommend you go to System > Keybind > Targeting and look for “Target Nearest NPC or Object”. This is the button you’ll press in most of your Fêtes to target sparkling objects on the ground and speak to NPCs. By default I believe it is set to numpad 0.
In System > Keybind > System at the top of the list is “Confirm”. After you target an object, this is the button you press to interact with it. In the case of NPCs, you can just spam this button to advance dialogue and even turn in your items.
Don’t freak out if you arrive late and the timer bar is almost full. For turn-in Fêtes, once it fills up you have 1 additional minute to earn points so even if you’re a bit late you can still get a gold rating.
Conversely, don’t feel obligated to stay for all five events. If you’ve only got a few minutes then you can jump out early. Just make sure to wait for the current Fête to end so that you earn the presents for what you did participate in.
A Twist of Fête (Gold Rating: 6 Points)
This is the first Fête in the chain, and takes place at Bright Ballad’s Passage. The closest Aetheryte shard is probably Western Risensong Quarter. You’ll have a minute or two to get to the area at [11.4, 8.1] before the big Fête indicator appears on your screen.
The first and most important thing you have to do for this game is to click the ‘Join FATE’ button in your duty list. This will place three emotes on your hotbar which are necessary in order to earn points. Sometimes you see emote messages in chat from players that have not clicked that button. Remind them to join the FATE so they have access to the buttons they need.
Watch the mascots closely, and when one performs an emote, you want to target them and emote back at them. There’s often a crowd of people, but you should be able to click on the NPCs up on their platforms. You could also run over to them and use your keybind to target the nearest NPC.
They’ll perform a total of 11 actions, but you only need 6 points for your Gold Rating.
Made of Softer Stuff (Gold Rating: 3 Points)
Head south for the second Fête in the chain, which is set up at the Mattock [11.7, 13.2].
Interact with the box of stuffed toy materials to build a toy. Next interact with the big stuffed Moogle toy to pick it up. Then run and interact with the wain to drop the toy off, earning you a point. Pretty simple, but I still sometimes forget that I have to pick up the toy first before running to the wain!
Sprint cannot be used while you’re carrying the toy, and if you use sprint before you pick it up, the sprint buff will just fall off as soon as you pick up the toy. So, the best use for sprint is when you’re emptyhanded on your way back from the Wain to sew another toy.
Shear-a-Yak (Gold Rating: 4 Points)
Back to Bright Ballad’s Passage [11.4, 8.1] for the third Fête, where you’ll see a giant Yak.
Clicking the ‘Join FATE’ button will place an action on your hotbar to use the Aetheromatic Clipper. Target the Wooly Yak and fire the clippers, then gather up the three sparkly piles of yak fleece nearby. You’ll have to look around for them, but there are only so many locations they can spawn. Try looking where other players are kneeling down on the ground.
Once you’ve got all three, turn them in to Chirpy Chocobo to earn a point. Spamming the ‘Confirm’ keybind when turning in the items will speed through the text pretty quick, and even select your turn in item if it happens to be at the top of your key items inventory.
Toy Hunter (Gold Rating: 4 Points)
Follow the crowd to the fourth Fête at the Abacus [9.4, 11.2] on the West side of the Firmament and click the ‘Join FATE’ button when it appears.
You’ll be searching through boxes to find a toy and turn it in for a point. There’s one box in the middle of the courtyard, and one each on the other side of the planter boxes to the left and right.
If you check a box and it doesn’t have a lucky toy, you’ll briefly be transformed into a pig. Just run to the next box while you’re in pig form, and when it wears off you can carry on searching the next one.
Remember to use the ‘Confirm’ keybind when turning in a toy to the NPC. I find it faster than using the mouse for turn-ins, assuming you don’t have key items from other quests in your inventory.
Presents of Mind (Gold Rating: 6 Points)
The final Fête in the chain takes place at the Mattock again [12.2, 11.9].
Click the ‘Join FATE’ button and you’ll be able to pick up a present and deliver it to one of the waiting NPCs. You’ll be able to interact with one pile of presents twice, then another colour will become available for two presents, and so on.
Pink ‘Presents for Children’ go to the Firmament Girl and Firmament Boy.
Yellow ‘Presents for Merchants’ go to the Foreign Merchant and Ishgardian Merchant.
Orange ‘Presents for Artisans’ go to the Skysteel Engineer and the House Dzemael Stonemason.
Since you only need 6 points, you’re done once you hand each NPC their present once.
Rewards – Fête Presents
The whole set of five Fêtes takes about 25 minutes to complete and gives you a total of 10 Fête Presents if you got gold ratings on everything.
You must remain as a Disciple of the Hand or Disciple of the Land when each Fête completes in order to earn your rewards. If you’re on a combat job when the timer finishes counting down, you receive nothing, regardless of how many points you scored.
Most Fête Presents I’ve opened have given Fête Tokens, but you’ll also come across a variety of cosmetics including housing items, emotes, hairstyles, bardings, orchestrion rolls, outfits, dyes, minions, and the Antelope Stag mount.
u/maglen69 on the ffxiv subreddit provided their results from opening 500 presents. You’ll largely receive tokens, but receiving the occasional random cosmetic can also be fun, especially if you don’t have it already or if it’s worth something on the marketboard.
In particular, the dyes you can get seem to be limited to the rarer ones, such as the more vibrant Dragoon Blue, Cherry Pink, Canary Yellow, etc. or the dyes under the rainbow general-purpose tab.
Spending Fête Tokens
In the Firmament, you can spend your Fête Tokens with Enie <Scrip Exchange> at The Mendicant’s Court [12.0, 14.0].
The most expensive items will be the Peacelover’s Attire Coffer (glamour set) for 50 tokens, and the Antelope Stag Horn (mount) for 30.

I strongly recommend you check your server’s marketboard before spending tokens. The mount is likely very cheap, and the glamour set is also available to buy either as the whole coffer or piece by piece.

You can also exchange tokens for two types of balloons for outdoor furnishing, as well as three shiny dyes for your glamour needs.

If you’ve no interest in any of that, you can spend the tokens on high level non-combat materia of your choosing.
Finally, you can buy magicked prisms if that’s your thing. Is that anyone’s thing?
Spending Skybuilders’ Scrips
At 100 Skybuilders’ Scrips earned for every Gold Rating, that’s a total of 500 Scrips from each set. Not nearly enough to buy any of the big ticket items right away, but it’s still a nice bonus.
Skybuilders’ Scrips can be spent with the same vendor, Enie <Scrip Exchange> at The Mendicant’s Court [12.0, 14.0]. She has a lot more wares for this currency, so if you want a lot of them you’ll probably need to grind for them outside of these Fêtes using the Diadem.
If you’re only getting Scrips from Fêtes, then I would suggest saving them up for a Market Prohibited item since you can’t buy those with gil from other players.
Some choices would be the Pegasus mount, Dress-up Estinien or Pegasus Colt minions, or the Lizbeth or Ehll Tou Triple Triad Cards.
If you’re not saving up for anything in particular, there are several vibrant dyes to sell on the Marketboard that you can buy for just 100 Skybuilders’ Scrips each.
Summary: Are Fêtes Worth the Time?
While the actual gameplay of Fêtes isn’t very interesting, it’s low effort, low commitment, and gives you decent noncombat experience and some cosmetic rewards to enjoy or sell on the marketboard.
Among the rewards exchangeable for tokens, the dyes and the noncombat materia will fetch the highest prices on the marketboard due to their consumable nature, so it can be an easy way to make some gil.
If you’re a collector, you’ll want to snag the exclusive glamour set and mount. Of course, those are available on the marketboard, so you don’t actually have to run the Fêtes to get them. In fact, you should definitely be sure to check prices on the marketboard first before spending tokens on those big ticket items.
On my server, the mount has already dropped to such a low price that it makes way more sense to buy it for gil and spend the tokens on something else.
If none of the above sounds enticing, then much like GATEs at the Gold Saucer, if you happen to find yourself in the area at the right hour I would suggest taking part at least once just to experience the content.
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